Church School

Church Teleconference Line

Every Wednesday Via Church Teleconference Line: (667) 770-1258, code 301960#

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Bible Study Zoom

Every Wednesday Via ZOOM Meeting ID: 424 896 6786 Passcode: 360631 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 424 896 6786 Passcode: 360631

Sunday Service

Believers Christian Fellowship Church 3010 McCall St, Dayton, OH, United States

Every Sunday 9:30 AM at 3010 McCall Street and on Facebook Live

Church School

Church Teleconference Line

Every Wednesday Via Church Teleconference Line: (667) 770-1258, code 301960#

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Bible Study Zoom

Every Wednesday Via ZOOM

Pastor’s Aid


Second Saturday of each month. Zoom link will be added to calendar.

Sunday Service

Believers Christian Fellowship Church 3010 McCall St, Dayton, OH, United States

Every Sunday 9:30 AM at 3010 McCall Street and on Facebook Live

Church School

Church Teleconference Line

Every Wednesday Via Church Teleconference Line: (667) 770-1258, code 301960#

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Bible Study Zoom

Every Wednesday Via ZOOM

Sunday Service

Believers Christian Fellowship Church 3010 McCall St, Dayton, OH, United States

Every Sunday 9:30 AM at 3010 McCall Street and on Facebook Live